
Thank You. 

Two simple words I have tattooed on my right wrist.  Words which remind me that every day, month, and year that I live is a blessing.  No one enjoys getting older, but the alternative is death, and I am not one who wants to leave a young, beautiful corpse behind.

Two words that also express my gratitude to you.  Our time is precious, and you’ve chosen to spend some of yours reading my blog. Thank You. 

30 other things I’m thankful for:

  1. Good health
  2. Loving, healthy family
  3. Roof over my head
  4. Food in my stomach
  5. Clothes on my back
  6. Gas in my car
  7. A car
  8. Sound mind
  9. Able body
  10. True friends
  11. Money in the bank
  12. Clean water to drink/use
  13. Clean (relatively for LA) air to breathe
  14. My Filipino heritage
  15. My American citizenship
  16. My creativity
  17. My optimism
  18. My ability to dream
  19. My education
  20. My drive
  21. My thoughtfulness
  22. Those who serve and protect us, past and present (includes military, firefighters, police officers)
  23. My producer/writing partner who believes in me
  24. Electricity
  25. Indoor plumbing
  26. Utilities included
  27. Rent control
  28. The internet
  29. Kindness of strangers
  30. Being left handed

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